
Your Generosity makes a difference

Dear Friends and Members of Sanctuary Church of the Open Door,
We are profoundly grateful for your generous contributions to our church community. Your support enables us to continue our mission of providing a welcoming sanctuary for all, fostering spiritual growth, and serving those in need within our community and beyond.
At Sanctuary Church of the Open Door, we believe that giving is a meaningful way to express our faith and commitment to God's work. To make this process as convenient as possible, we offer three options for how you can give:

You are welcome to bring your offerings to any of our services. Offering envelopes are available in the pews, and you can place your gift in the collection basket during the service.

in person

If you prefer, you can mail your checks to the church office. Please send your contributions to:

5923-41 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, Pa

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Secure and convenient, our online giving platform allows you to make a one-time donation or set up recurring contributions. Simply use the Paypal button below.
